Actara 25 WG

Table of uses through foliar application
Crop Pest Application rate/20 liter water No of sprays/season Spray  intervals PHI
Potato Leaf hoppers


2.3-4 gm 2 7 14 days



Leaf hoppers

3-4 gm 2 5 3 days
Leafminers 4-8 gm 3 5 3days
Lettuce Aphids 4 gm 2 7 7days
Apple,pear Aphids 2-4 gm 2 10 14 days
Peaches,plum,apricot,nectarine Aphids 2-4 gm 3 7 14 days
Grapes Mealybugs 4-8 gm 1 14 5 days
Citrus Aphids,leafminers,mealybugs 4-8 gm 2 7 3 days


Table of uses through soil application
Crop Pest Application rate/ha Notes


Aphids,whiteflies,leaf hoppers 400-800 gm Soil spray application incorporated at sowing or in-furrow or side dressing/drenching before/after transplanting
Lettuce Aphids 400 gm Soil spray application incorporated at sowing or in-furrow or side dressing/drenching before/after transplanting

Aphids and jassids

400 gm In furrow application at planting or prior to earthing up
Grapes Aphids 2gm/tree Application at beginning of spring
Citrus Mealybugs,leafminers,aphids 6-8 gm/tree Application at beginning of spring

  • Systemic
  • Long lasting protection
  • Active against all stages
  • Thiamethoxam 25% W/V
  • Water dispersible granules
  • 250 gm